Zenith Safety Solution


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The IPDACT-2 and IPDACT-2UD are IP Communicators UL listed for signaling under Other Transmission Technologies and comply with NFPA 72.
The FireWatch™ IPDACT-2 and IPDACT-2UD are IP Communicators, UL listed for signaling under Other Transmission Technologies and comply with NFPA 72 requirements. Both models connect to the primary and secondary communication ports of the panel’s DACT, converting the analog signals into digital signals at the panel for transmission to a compatible Teldat VisorALARM PLUS IP receiver at a central station. The panel operates normally during an alarm, supervisory or trouble event and sends contact-ID formatted analog information out of the telephone ports to the IP Communicator. The IP Communicator reformats the data into highly encrypted Ethernet UDP packets for transmission to a compatible receiver at the central station.


Features & Benefits:

  • Listed to UL Standard 864, Ninth Edition when used with NOTIFIER UL 864 Ninth Edition-listed panels
  • Eliminates the cost of two dedicated phone lines
  • Secured with the industry’s highest level of encryption (AES 512 bit)
  • Supports dual-destination IP receiver address for high redundancy configurations: all signals are sent to a secondary address should the primary become unavailable
  • User programmable UDP ports for flexibility and compatibility with firewalls and other network security components
  • Supports an optional third maintenance receiver installed at the end user’s facility that permits local alarm monitoring. Alarms are received simultaneously at both the central station and the customer’s facility. A filter can be applied to annunciate specific alarm types such as trouble-only events.
  • Supports upload/download using existing, familiar programming tools.
  • Only requires customer’s shared IP Equipment
  • Supervisory test signal once every 30 – 90 seconds to central station
  • Less than 10 second alarm transmission time
  • Works over any type of customer-provided Ethernet 10/100 Base network connection (LAN or WAN), DSL modem or cable modem
  • Two supervised inputs and two outputs


  • UL: S2424, S624
  • CSFM: 7300-0075:223


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