Features & Benefits:
- Listed to UL Standard 864, Ninth Edition when used with NOTIFIER UL 864 Ninth Edition-listed panels
- Eliminates the cost of two dedicated phone lines
- Secured with the industry’s highest level of encryption (AES 512 bit)
- Supports dual-destination IP receiver address for high redundancy configurations: all signals are sent to a secondary address should the primary become unavailable
- User programmable UDP ports for flexibility and compatibility with firewalls and other network security components
- Supports an optional third maintenance receiver installed at the end user’s facility that permits local alarm monitoring. Alarms are received simultaneously at both the central station and the customer’s facility. A filter can be applied to annunciate specific alarm types such as trouble-only events.
- Supports upload/download using existing, familiar programming tools.
- Only requires customer’s shared IP Equipment
- Supervisory test signal once every 30 – 90 seconds to central station
- Less than 10 second alarm transmission time
- Works over any type of customer-provided Ethernet 10/100 Base network connection (LAN or WAN), DSL modem or cable modem
- Two supervised inputs and two outputs
- UL: S2424, S624
- CSFM: 7300-0075:223
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